Monday, June 22, 2009

Cycling date ytd with the usuals! It feels so good to see them again ever since BV Bazaar! Yes, how long is that! And am glad that all of us can make it except for Yiling who isn't in S'pore ytd.

Okay, so it started with meeting Eeting, Don, Chongwee and Xiangming at the school back gate bus stop then the others at ECP itself. Some of us rented bikes while some roller blade. And being such a clumsy person like myself, I FALL. There is like cuts on both my legs nowww. Sigh. Because of that, cant manage to cycle anymore and then sat near the lagoon area alone, waiting for them to return their bikes and find me after that. Sorry guys, for making all of you walk for such a long distance because of me being so clumsy. /:

Anyway, dinner was at the lagoon and afterwhich was camwhoring session. Around 8 plus, decided to go home as the guys got DNT camp tmr. Walked all the way from there to bedok to take bus home. Overall, it was really fun hanging out with them ytd. :)

My wound. :( Please heal faster!

Am supposed to go back to school for art today, but didnt in the end because my leg was so painful that i couldnt even walk properly. /: Roar, one day gone.


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